For Art & Love…in memory of wally

This post is timely, because this week celebrates LOVE. My students and I were talking last week and they asked how long I had been doing art. I told them a little about my history, which led me to dig up this old picture. This is my High School art teacher, Wally Linebarger. He and I were on my senior trip in 1983! This other pic is of us in 2017. That is the last time we were together before he passed last year.
It reminded me of how very important these relationships are that I have with my students and the type of artistic experience I am giving them. It’s interesting to consider which ones will still know me when they mature, and whether or not they’ll remember my impact on their artistic journey. I can hope.
What I learned from Wally in High School art 2,3 and 4 carried me into college where I continued building on the foundation that those years set. The foundation these kiddos are laying is equally important. Our weekly time together gives them the opportunity to explore their own ideas, learn about artists who have gone before us and form relationships with each other and me! They learn to press through and problem solve when things aren’t working, building their confidence. Isn’t this a life skill we all need…no matter what we are doing?
So, in celebration of Valentine’s Day and the love this week embodies, I guess we are reminded that we should never underestimate the value of sharing our time, our knowledge and the love we have for others. Not only that, we should never undervalue the impact others have on our art and life and that impact on who we build into. Who are you building into today?